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1UVODVideo lesson
21.1 POJAM PROIZVODNJE I OBAVEZNA DOKUMENTACIJAThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
31.2 ZAKONSKA REGULATIVA, DOKUMENTACIJA I POSTUPAK EVIDENTIRANJA POSLOVNIH PROMENAThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
41.3 NAČIN VREDNOVANJA I ISKAZIVANJA ZALIHAThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
51. 4 NAČIN ISKAZIVANJA PROIZVODNJE U FINANSIJSKIM IZVEŠTAJIMAThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
62.1 KRATAK UVOD U UPRAVLJAČKO RAČUNOVODSTVOThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
72.2 ORGANIZACIONA STRUKTURA I IZVEŠTAVANJE PO SEGMENTIMAThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
82.3 MESTA TROŠKOVA I NOSIOCI TROŠKOVA KOD VIŠEFAZNE PROIZVODNJE I AKTIVIRANJE SOPSTVENIH UČINAKAThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
92.4 VRSTE TROŠKOVA KOJE UTIČU NA OBRAČUN CENE KOŠTANJAThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
102.5 KALKULACIJE I SISTEMI OBRAČUNA TROŠKOVAThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
11PROIZVODNJA: TEST BR. 1This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
123.1 POLJOPRIVREDNA PROIZVODNJA RAČUNOVODSTVENI ASPEKTThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
133.2 PRIMER: TOV SVINJA NA FARMAMAThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
14ZADATAKThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
15PROIYVODNJA: TEST BR. 2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
16ZADATAKThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
17VEBINAR 1This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
18VEBINAR 2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
19VEBINAR 3This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
20GRAĐEVINSKA DELATNOST - RAČUNOVODSTVENI ASPEKTThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
21KNJIŽENJE KOD IZGRADNJE OBJEKTA - PRIMERThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
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